Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Invitation to Action

I am putting out an Invitation of Action to Living The Life You Love!!!

I would like to invite others to create groups to study,
“No Matter What! By Lisa Nichols. This plan will entail an action plan at the end of every chapter for personal transformation. Lisa has created a groundbreaking program that builds “muscles” in ones character in 9 different areas of your life. These muscles are referred to as “bounce-back” muscles:

1) Developing Your Understanding Muscle:
*Some gifts come wrapped in sandpaper
2) Developing Your Faith-In-Myself Muscle:
*Pressing the stop button on your minds negative chatter
3) Developing Your Take Action Muscle:
*Stop lying on the nail
4) Developing Your I-Know-Like-I-Know Muscle:
*God Is Good, Good Is God, Woo-Hoo!
5) Developing Your Honesty Muscle:
*Keeping It Real
6) Developing Your Say-Yes Muscle:
*Being Willing to Play Full Out
7) Developing Your Determination Muscle:
*Doing what it takes to get to the Mountaintop
8) Developing Your Forgiveness Muscle:
*Finding Your Way Back to Love
9) Developing Your Highest Muscle:
*Meeting Your Needs from the Inside Out, and Then Aiming for the Stars
10) Finding Your Rhythm
*Living in Joy and Possibility

I would like to create groups in age differences for the purpose of the experiences focused upon being brought back to the larger venue for community growth together.

Teens / Young Adults / Adults / Seasoned Adults / Meantime / Mid-Time / Sage
(13-15) (16-20) (21-27) (28-35) (36-46) (47-57) 58+

After we finish in our groups, we can come together as "One Group" to share our discoveries and select our "Rocket Booster Buddies", to assist us in our accountability Action Plans.

For those that are interested in this proposal of accountability and Action forward to living the life you Love please contact me via email or phone:

336-259-5086 (cell)

We can do this in our communities and feed back online each week as well as locally at our meetings. This can be a pro-active way of peeling back layers as well as prevention for the young ones of layering on from the residue already existing in our communities. I would like for each one interested to go to your local “Borders”, “Barnes and Nobles” and/or Favorite bookstore to pick up a copy of:

“NO MATTER WHAT!” by Lisa Nichols

Grab you a cup of coffee/ tea, read first chapter that interests you most and then make a decision if you are ready to take Action in your life, your community, your relationship, your career, and/ or this Invitation. Buy the book now if you are and I will be happy to be one of your "Rocket Booster Buddies".

We can check back in with one another after the project as a group in 4-6 months with our journals to see how our progress has been.

I am excited to invite all of you to Action! Hope to hear from you soon!!

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