Thursday, September 13, 2007


Sitting here reflecting on the last few dynamic weeks of my life and realizing that my pen is just waiting for me to release its flow; I take a deep breath and exhale. Turning up the volume on the music playing, "Free Yourself" from Eric Dozier and JB Eckl' new CD, "Badasht, While the city Sleeps" ( check it out for yourself, I am remembering our last "serving up" at The Writers Cafe 9/10/2007. The day before 9/11/2007. Six women showed up for our sharing of delicacies and that it was! My prompt was "What Matters", right now, in this moment, it was so profound how we all came full circle when it got back to me sharing my piece. The being of One accord was amazing! I was gifted Eric's new CD at a meeting in Atlanta, Ga on August 29th,2007, where I was invited to hear a wonderful public delivery from a member of The Universal House of Justice for the members of the Baha'i Faith that were of African Descent. Family members that were of other cultures were also invited, that was how I had the bounty to be present. It was a blessing to hear how precious their(the speaker and his wife) stories were of serving the African Continent within their Faith. What a wonderful encouragement and invitation to "Free Ourselves". I realized on my way home that Eric had gifted me with more than a new CD. He gifted me an Invitation! The same gift I offered to my Writing Workshop to its writers, "Free Yourself" through freeing your voice! Serve it up through your wonderful writing! I began the workshop on 9/10/2007 with, "Free Yourself" from the CD. The next prompt was a visualization toward remembering a time "on a front porch"; were you alone, whats in front of you, whats behind you. Again my writers truly amazed me with what was served up, we were truly cooking up some powerful stuff with lots of spice. Like grandma always said: "If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen don't come in here!" At the end of the workshop, I played," The Healing Prayer" from the CD. The miracles that have went out into our families,communities and World from that powerful serving up have been shared with me. I would like to say thank-you to Eric, JB and my writers @ The Writers Cafe for serving it up HOT!!!!

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